Gardener's World Front Entry

Gardener's World Front Entry

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Poinsettia Festival is Almost Here!!
(Click on the link to see the poinsettias in our greenhouse from Fox 10 news)

Poinsettias are available for purchase from our retail store!!
Have a fund raising project?
Poinsettias are great for raising money for schools, clubs, organizations. Special prices are available.
Call or email:
We're still accepting applications for craft vendors.
Call or email:
****************************************************************Photographer Pati Pakulis will be available, by appointment only, to take holiday pictures among the poinsettias. Click on the link below to contact Pati ****************************************************************
Photo Workshops & Photo Contest
Marilou Peavley Photography classes at Gardener's World on:
December 4 & 5 9AM-11AM
December 6 3PM-5PM
December 11 & 12 9AM-11AM
December 13 3PM-5PM
Bring your own camera. Maximum of 10 people per class. Sign up now!Fee: $30.00. Cash or Check payable to Marilou Peavley. Can be paid at Gardener's World. Photo Contest: For photography work done at Gardener's World Nursery. Photos may be plants, people or both. All entries must be submitted by 5PM on Monday, December 21, 2009 to No more than 3 photos per entrant. No bigger than 300 dpi. Open Gardener's World email by Dec. 24 for winning photos that will be displayed at Gardener's World Nursery, and used for publicity purposes.
Prizes: Gift Certificates from Gardener's World Nursery:First Place: $25.00 Second Place: $15.00Third Place: $10.00 Marilou Peavley can be contacted at 480-203-7457 or email
Marilou Peavley has been photographing for over 20 years. She is well known for her Landscapes and Nature Photography. She has shown her work in several galleries around the State of AZ. She was named Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007 & 2009 by Cambridge WHO'S WHO Representing the Photography Industry. She is the only person that has received the award twice in the history of the company. In 2006, she was awarded the Metropolitan WHO'S WHO Registry for the Photography Industry. In 2009, she was awarded an Arizona Highways plaque for her landscape photo entry. She has also has received numerous ribbons for her photography work at the AZ State Fair. ***************************************************************
Our fall bedding plants are blooming & gorgeous!! Our weather is perfect this time of year for working outside, so get your yard ready for those holiday visitors with fantastic colors, textures & scents!

In This Issue
Holidays: Plant Care & Spruce Up

Free Classes & Events
Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link below to get directions.
Next class: Nov. 28 Last class of the year!
No classes in Dec.
Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design- A great class for the new homeowner or anyone who wants to improve their landscape.
11am: Gardener's Eden Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners-A good beginner's class or a great refresher for the experienced gardener.
Both classes are taught by Gary Petterson with over 40 years of experience in nursery & landscape.

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"I came to class wanting to learn how to salvage the existing landscaping at my home. I learned exactly what I needed." --Vivian P. from Mesa

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
No job is too large or too small!
Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers, Pavers, Water features, Arid & Tropical Plants, BBQs, Fireplaces, Hardscaping, Unique Plant Selection, Financing available, Fully licensed & bonded & Much More...
Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website: www.gardenersedenaz

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-36" box.
Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds. Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains, Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation. Greenworld Mulch, Top-It & B-2 soil mix, Lodgepoles

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Remember that every Wednesday is Senior's Day! Seniors 55 & older receive a 10% discount on their regularly priced purchases.
Ask about our Discount card. When you purchase $25.00 or more, you'll receive a stamp on your card. After 5 stamps, you'll receive a 15% discount on your regularly priced purchase.
Not valid with: other discounts or coupons, sale items, sod, or special orders.
Limited to stock on hand.
Gardening Tips:Cooler weather is upon us at last! Get prepared for it by getting your Frost Blanket now. Don't get caught with your leaves hanging out in the frost!
Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!
Green Tip:Buying recyclable & recycled products is the key to making recycling work. Be conscious of your purchases. Buy only what you need & reuse items whenever possible.
Feature Plant
Poinsettia(Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Poinsettia Growing InstructionsCommercially grown poinsettias are pampered, fed & kept warm in greenhouses to achieve coloring for Christmas. It's not practical to plant them outdoors, as they are susceptible to white flies & frost. However, the determined gardener who's willing to give extra care , may grow them outdoors, but they don't color naturally until spring. Plant the poinsettia in a place where it's protected from frost or direct afternoon sun. The best chances for success is to keep it in a pot out of direct sunlight. The potted poinsettia can be placed outdoors when temperatures are above 40 degrees F for 6-8 hours daily & returned indoors at night to temperatures of 60-70 degrees F. When the bracts age & become muddy green, cut it back to 8" to be grown as a foliage plant.
Arizona Grown Poinsettias

Polly Pink
Shimmer Surprise

Holidays: Plant Care & Spruce Up
The holiday season brings a flurry of preparatory activity in the home to give it that little pizzazz for this special time of year: clutter gets cleaned up, the holiday decorations are set out, centerpieces and tablecloths are changed, garland swags and wreaths are hung. There's a lot that can be done in your garden and landscape too to give it that extra flare: flowerbeds can be planted or dead headed and mulched, weeds can pulled or sprayed, entry foyers are cleaned and decorated, and lights are put up. Gardener's World has the products to help and fresh cut Christmas trees as well as poinsettias grown at our farm. You can even visit the greenhouse during our poinsettia festival Dec 4 - 6 and 11-13. COLOR YOUR ENTRY WITH FLOWERSUse the impact that flowers make at your entry or on your patio or outdoor tables. Add flower-filled pots and hanging containers to your patio and front sidewalk. Keep your flower gardens and containers blooming heavily by fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer like Gardener's World's own Flower Power 14-14-14 that feeds slow release about 80 days. A number of winter annuals, particularly petunias, are "heavy feeders" meaning they need to be fertilized regularly, about once every two months. With weather like ours, we can plant all winter long and have beautiful flowers, including poinsettias, throughout the holidays! If you have already planted winter flowers, pinch off spent flowers. This cleans out any dead looking flower heads (a.k.a. dead heading) and gives the flowers a push to bloom more. Also, a layer of new mulch on top of the soil will give your flowerbeds that extra finishing touch of class, and give an added layer of winter protection to the root zone.DECORATE WITH POINSETTIASConsider adding poinsettias to planters or buy the color bowls at Gardener's World already planted with alyssum, pansies, etc. There are literally dozens of poinsettia colors, sizes, and varieties to choose from beginning as early as Thanksgiving weekend. Choosing a fresh poinsettia is as simple as looking at the flower in the center of the colored bracts. "Bracts" is the technical name for the brightly colored leaves of the poinsettia. The flower is actually that tiny yellow cluster at the top of the plant. If the flowers are still closed, the poinsettia is slightly underdeveloped. When about half of the flowers are open the plan is well developed and still extremely fresh and will look great well past the holiday season. Put poinsettias in a brightly lit room (or patio) with enough natural light to read and away from drafts. If you are putting them outside, bring them in on freezing nights and during windy days. Feel the soil before watering, if it is dry water through (usually about once a week).Remember, it has been proven that poinsettias are not poisonous. Drop that old wives tale! WINTER WATERING Be sure to decrease water in cool weather. Check our website under 'Information' for specific information. YARD SPRUCE UP Your yard may need some pre-holiday attention. Your winter lawn may need fertilization with a slow release lawn food blend. Be smart this year and use pre-emergent instead of the backbreaking weeding. I like Amaze or Concern for weed prevention (pre-emergent). Sprinkle it on the area you want protected and water it in. The product creates a 1 to 2 inch deep barrier in the soil that prevents seeds from sprouting. As long as the soil isn't disturbed, the area will remain relatively weed free for up to 6-8 months. Then just reapply to keep the protection in place. The product is ideal for graveled areas in front yard desert-scapes, perennial beds that you don't want to re-seed, etc. Post emergent herbicide like Remuda works great to kill weeds.FROST PROTECTIONFrost prevention will also keep you holiday garden looking its best. When temperatures threaten frost, one of the best methods is the use of Frost Blankets. These specialty landscaping blankets are made from a geo-textile fabric that allows air to move in and out and lets in ultraviolet light. On a night when the dew settles and freezes, the fabric acts as an insulator blanket, adding five to eight degrees of warmth. Burlap and bed sheets can't do this. Another frost prevention method is the use of an organic polymer spray called Frost Protec. Spray on plants every three weeks to give up to ten degrees of protection. Both are available at the nursery. HAPPY HOLIDAYS. With a little prevention, maintenance and creative decorating with poinsettias and flowers your yard and patio will be in high style and perfect condition to receive family and friends.
Have a beautiful and safe holiday season.
3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated

Monday, November 23, 2009

Please make sure to see this years Poinsettia Festival

Sharon and Gary Petterson
invite you to see the
2 Big Weekends!


24th Annual Poinsettia Festival at Gardener's World


2 Weekends, Fri. – Sun., December 4th - 6th & 11th-13th, 2009


10AM – 5PM Daily


Gardener’s World 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ 85042 2 miles west of AZ Mills & I-10, between 32nd & 40th Sts.
FREE parking (Entrance at 32nd St South of Baseline Rd.) Special needs parking enter through Gardener's World main gate

Senior Day:

Fri., December 4th & December 11th, 2009

Admission: FREE! FREE! FREE!


Self-guided tour of poinsettias in greenhouse
Photo Opportunities Everywhere – Bring your own camera

Professional photography by Pati

Tractor Driven Wagon Rides to greenhouse (free)
Food (available for purchase)
Christmas Boutique - Crafts
Kids Area - Santa, Jumpers (Sat & Sun), Crafts, Face painting

5% of festival poinsettia sales benefit the Salvation Army Christmas dinner.
There will be Salvation Army bins out to collect toys and monetary donations

Event Coordinator, Sharon Petterson 602-437-0700
Web site:

20,000 spectators (entirety of festival)

Volunteers are needed to assist with greeting, passing out handouts, tractor driving, sleeving poinsettias, directing traffic, etc.Volunteers receive a $30 gift certificate per 4hr shift Email:

The community is invited to share in the splendor of over 20,000 poinsettias in a variety of colors, sizes and shapes in magnificent holiday displays. The nursery farm atmosphere at the base of South Mountain is a special treat for the family. A free tractor ride will take you to the greenhouse where a self-guided tour shows you where the poinsettias have been lovingly grown and how to care for them in your home. Be sure to bring your cameras for all the amazing photo opportunities for your Christmas cards. Select your favorite poinsettias from the tent and a fresh cut Christmas Tree for your home. The Gardener’s World 24th Annual Poinsettia Festival is the perfect family tradition to begin the holiday season.

Come and see what this beautiful event looks like.

Inside the greenhouse at Gardener's World where the Poinsettia's are grown.

Under the big white tent for Sales and Santa There is always something for everyone at Gardener's World Annual Poinsettia Festival

Don't miss this great annual family event.

Gardener's World can help get your yard looking great

Get your yard looking great for the holidays! We have a wonderful selection of Arizona grown bedding plants that are sure to wow your visitors! Available in 6-packs, 4" pots & 1 gallon sizes.
Looking for instant gratification? We have pre-made 14" color bowls only $14.98.
We have our 1 gallon geraniums on special for $2.98 (regularly $4.98)!
Sale ends 11/24/09, so hurry in!!

Don't forget the mulch & Flower Power to keep 'em bloomin'!

Come meet our friendly & helpful staff. L to R: Amelia Morrison, Administrative Sales Assistant & Researcher; Rita Williams, Retail Manager; James Presley, Wholesale Manager

Poinsettia Festival is Coming!
(Click on the link above for more info)

We're still accepting applications for craft vendors. Contact: vendor@gardenpro.netHave a fund raising project? Poinsettias are great for raising money for schools, clubs, organizations. Special prices are available. Call or email:

In This Issue
Hands Off for Winter

Free Classes & Events
Click on link for complete schedule.
Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link to get directions. 3401 E. Baseline Rd.

Next class: Nov. 28 Last class of the year.
No classes in Dec.
Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design- A great class for the new homeowner or anyone who wants to improve their landscape.
11am: Gardener's Eden Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners-A good beginner's class or a great refresher for the experienced gardener.
Both classes are taught by Gary Petterson with over 35 years of experience in nursery & landscape.

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:

"Learned more about poor soil--need for different supplements & additives" --Larry S. from Litchfield Park

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145

No job is too large or too small!

Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers, Pavers, Water features, Arid & Tropical Plants, BBQs, Fireplaces, Hardscaping, Unique Plant Selection, Financing available, Fully licensed & bonded
& Much More... Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website. http://www.gardenersedenaz/

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-36" box. Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds. Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. FountainsHerbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultationGreenworld Mulch, Top-It & B-2 soil mix, Lodgepoles.

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Remember that every Wednesday is Senior's Day! Seniors 55 & older receive a 10% discount on their regularly priced purchases.
Ask about our Discount card. When you purchase $25.00 or more, you'll receive a stamp on your card. After 5 stamps, you'll receive a 15% discount on your regularly priced purchase.
Not valid with: other discounts or coupons, sale items, sod, or special orders. Limited to stock on hand.

Gardening Tips:

Tired of going into a nursery & not getting help or the 'help' not knowing anything? At Gardener's World we take pride in our knowledgeable staff. If we don't know the answer, we will do whatever research it takes to find an answer that works. Educating people about plants, the soil, watering, etc. is what we're all about. Sign up for our free classes & see why people come to us when they want real answers.

Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:

Incorporate plants that filter toxins out of the air. Here are a few examples of the kinds of toxins & the plants that filter them.

English ivy, Chinese Evergreen, Red-edged Dracaena, Gerbera daisy, chrysanthemum, & peace lily.

Spider plant, bamboo palm, ficus, pothos, pygmy date palm, philodendron, & mother-in-law's tongue.

Chrysanthemum, peace lily, Gerbera daisy, & Janet Craig Dracaena.

Feature Plant
Poinsettia(Euphorbia pulcherrima)

I mistakenly reported in last week's email that we would have 'Marble Star', but we don't. Instead we have 'Ice Punch'.

There's a common misconception that poinsettias are poisonous. Perhaps because most plants of the spurge family are toxic & the name poinsettia sounds too close to the word poison. Most notably, however, is the urban legend from 1919 about a 2-year-old child of a U.S. Army Officer dying from ingesting poinsettia leaves. There was never any proof of this & later it was determined to be hearsay. Poisendex is the source of poison information used by the majority of poison control centers. It says that a 50-pound child would have to eat over a pound & a half of leaves (500-600 leaves) to exceed the doses used in an Ohio State University & the American Society of Florists research study. The study tested several parts of the plant on rats & concluded that no parts of the plant were toxic, even when the rats were given large doses. No other consumer plant has been more tested for toxicity than the poinsettia. So, let's stop the rumors & stick to the facts!
*****Prestige Maroon ******************Ice Punch *****

Peppermint Twist
Hands Off for Winter-Pruning, Watering & Fertilizing
Longtime residents know that winter gardening in the desert southwest is a dream. Set your watering time clocks for less frequency, fertilize on Labor Day, and take your pruners out in January. Those not familiar with gardening in our winter climate may not be used to this hands-off approach and may fall into three common over-management habits: over watering, over pruning, and over fertilizing. Over watering is the most common of all gardening mistakes even in the summertime! Plant wilt and general failure to thrive associated with lack of water are also symptoms of over watering. Diagnosing over or under watering is done by what I call the 'screwdriver test'. Use a screwdriver, or other similar shaped object, and poke a hole in the ground, then check for moisture in the soil. If the soil is moist, your plant is wilting from over watering. Also common in the winter is over pruning. Pruning every month is over doing it. Plant growth slows when temperatures fall and the plant doesn't require the same kind of attention that it did when temperatures were over 100ºF. Shrubs like Texas Sage, Dwarf Oleanders, and Cape Honeysuckle really only need pruning three times a year: right after summer, after the danger of frost has past, and just before the heat of the summer arrives. Plants that are over pruned don't get a chance to flower and mature. Another common pruning mistake is pruning off frost damage. We may experience below freezing temperatures several times throughout the winter, which means that plants may experience frost damage several times. Each time temperatures freeze, a portion of the plant will freeze back from the tip of whatever branch is exposed. If you trim off the damage each time, the branch will be exposed to new damage. The frost damage from the first frost will protect the inner branches throughout the winter. So, as tempting as it is to cut off the ugly damage, wait until after frost danger has past, usually in March. Trees, as a rule, should only receive major pruning when dormant in winter. Tree sap flows much more slowly when the tree is dormant, so if we prune in January they won't bleed sap. All desert trees and all deciduous trees (that is trees that lose their leaves), should be pruned in January. Even many evergreens can be pruned safely in winter. Prune citrus trees, on the other hand, after the fruit is harvested and before the tree blooms again. Light pruning like shaping, cutting off suckers, and thinning before summer storms can be done year-round. Over fertilization is another bad winter gardening habit. After a fertilizer application, plants will spurt new growth that will be frost tender, especially if you use a fast release fertilizer. And, plants susceptible to frost bite will suffer the greatest damage during a fertilizer induced growth spurt. Three times a year with a slow release fertilizer is plenty of fertilizer for most plants. Use the "holiday rule" to remember when to fertilize: Valentine's Day, Memorial Day & Labor Day. Deciduous trees can be fertilized in winter with a high phosphorus and potassium with medium nitrogen fertilizer. Winter flowers may also need an extra dose of fertilizer. If you notice that your flowers aren't thriving, they probably just need a dose of fertilizer...not more water. Use the screwdriver test to be sure. Over watering winter flowers can cause root rot on pansies and mildew and rust on snapdragons. A plant that looks yellowish may have aphids, stress from over watering, or a lack of fertilizer. If there are no bugs, and the soil is wet, then it's safe to say the problem is fertilization. Flower Power is a great balanced boost for winter flowers.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Poinsettia Festival is Coming!!

The Solara open/close patio cover lets you control the sun/shade/rain any time of the year. Call Gardener's Eden today (602-437-2233) or email us: for your free estimate on installing this 'green' aluminum patio cover, either free standing or attached to your house or existing patio. We can also do the pavers, plants, irrigation and any landscaping you need. No job too large or too small!! Give the gift of the perfect shade control so you can enjoy your own paradise even more.
Poinsettia Festival is Coming!!
(Click on the link above for more info)
Mark your calendars now--the first 2 weekends in December (4th-6th &11th-13th).Fridays (the 4th &11th) are Senior's Day. Great fun for the whole family! Even Santa will be there on Saturday & Sunday! Take a tractor ride to our greenhouse, to see where we grow them. It's the only time of year that our greenhouse is open to the public. We're still accepting applications for craft vendors.

Have a fund raising project? Poinsettias are great for raising money for schools, clubs, organizations. Special prices are available. Call or email: ****************************************************************
We have recently received a shipment of gardening tools, pre-emergent, T-tape pressure regulators, & much more!!****************************************************************
15 gallon tree Blow Out!!
4, 15 gallon select trees planted for only $48.98 each!!Choose from Australian Willow, Sissoo, Ficus 'Green Gem', Texas Ebony, Chilean Mesquite or Southern Live Oak!
Free delivery for zip codes 85040 & 85042

In This Issue

Free Classes & Events
Click on link for complete schedule.

Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link below to get directions.
3401 E. Baseline Rd.

Next class: Nov. 14
10am: Water wise Plants & Grasses & Frost Protection- Learn which plants are the most water conservative & what to do to protect against potential frost.
11am: Fall Vegetables, Flowers & Herbs-Probably our most popular class! Learn what it takes to grow your own.
Both classes are taught by Gary Petterson with over 35 years of experience in nursery & landscape.

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"'Talk dirty'! Best place for garden knowledge." --Stephen S. from Tempe

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
No job is too large or too small!
Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio coversPaversWater featuresArid & Tropical PlantsBBQsFireplacesHardscapingUnique Plant SelectionFinancing availableFully licensed & bonded
& Much More...
Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website: http://www.gardenersedenaz/

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-36" box. Some hard-to-find varieties.Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds. Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains, Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation. Greenworld Mulch, Top-It & B-2 soil mix, Lodgepoles

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Remember that every Wednesday is Senior's Day!
Seniors 55 & older receive a 10% discount on their regularly priced purchases.
Ask about our Discount card.
When you purchase $25.00 or more, you'll receive a stamp on your card. After 5 stamps, you'll receive a 15% discount on your regularly priced purchase.
Not valid with: other discounts or coupons, sale items, sod, or special orders.
Limited to stock on hand.

Gardening Tips:
Don't forget your indoor 'garden'! Your houseplants, like their outdoor relatives, will not need to be watered as much in the winter. Larger pots will not need as much water as smaller ones. The top of the soil doesn't reveal much about what's going on down around the roots. The best way to tell is to: become familiar with the particular species & it's needs & use a moisture meter-only $14.98.Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Save your egg cartons & donate them to us so we can pass them on to Kari (see ad for eggs below).

Feature Plant
Poinsettia (Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Until the 1990's, the Ecke family of Encinitas, CA had a virtual monopoly on poinsettias owing to a technological secret that made it difficult for others to compete. The key to producing more desirable poinsettias is to create a fuller, more compact plant. A poinsettia left to grow on it's own will naturally take an open, somewhat weedy look. The Ecke's technique, which involved grafting two varietietechnique, but it was Paul Ecke, Jr. that was really responsible for cultivating the association between the plant & the winter holidays. Besides changing the market s together, made it possible to get every seedling to branch, resulting in a bushier plant. Albert Ecke emigrated from Germany to LA in 1900, opening a dairy & orchard in the Eagle Rock area. He became intrigued by the plant & sold them from street stands. His son, Paul Ecke developed the grafting from mature plants shipped by rail to cuttings sent by air, he sent free plants to television stations like The Tonight Show & Bob Hope's Christmas specials to market the plants. However, in the 1990's, a university researcher discovered the method & published it, opening the door for competitors to flourish. The Ecke family, now led by Paul Ecke III, no longer grows any on farms in the US, but as of 2008, they still control about 70% of the domestic & 50% of the worldwide market.Here I've chosen to highlight 3 more varieties that we're growing for the Festival.
*****Marble Star ***************Jingle Bells *****

*******************Snow Cap*****
Free Range Chicken Eggs for sale!! $2.50/doz.Home grown at the Terry & Kari Treadway Family Farm by Americana, Barred Rock & Rhode Island Red Hens.
Fresh Free Range Eggs (brown or green) are popular. We will always try to have in stock for Saturdays,but call ahead if it is a special trip. Exotic turkey and duck eggs are huge and so tasty!! $4.00 / dozen ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
FARMERS MARKET Bring your excess fresh veggies in for Saturday morning market 9 - 12 am. Set up your own table or sell on consignment. Call or email: to let us know what you have.

Iris Rhizome Sale!
Reduced to $2.50 each.
Rock bottom prices by Sun Country Iris Society sold at Gardener's World. All grown locally, some by Gary & Sharon Petterson of Gardener's World. Many are latest varieties that sell in catalogues for $50 or more. Still time to plant for spring blooms. Buy for gift, pot up or plant in your garden. They can be mixed in with other plants. Hurry for best selection.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Iris Rhizomes sale!!

Iris Rhizomes sale!!
Reduced to $2.50 each. Rock bottom prices by Sun Country Iris Society sold at Gardener's World. All grown locally, some by Gary & Sharon Petterson of Gardener's World. Many are latest varieties that sell in catalogues for $50 or more. Still time to plant for spring blooms. Buy for gift, pot up or plant in your garden. They can be mixed in with other plants. Hurry for best selection.

Poinsettia Festival is Coming!!
Mark your calendars now--the first 2 weekends in December (4th-6th & 11th-13th).Fridays (the 4th & 11th) are Senior's Day. Great fun for the whole family! Even Santa will be there!Take a tractor ride to our greenhouse, to see where we grow them. It's the only time of year that our greenhouse is open to the public.We're still accepting applications for craft vendors. Contact:

Garlic starts are now available!! We're now taking pre-orders for: Onion starts, Roses, Ladybugs/Mantises, Citrus, Deciduous fruit trees. A 50% non-refundable deposit will be required to hold your order. Pre-ordered items will be available as we get them in.

In This Issue

Free Classes & Events
Click on link for complete schedule.
Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link below to get directions.

Next class: Nov. 14
10am: Water wise Plants & Grasses & Frost Protection- Learn which plants are the most water conservative & what to do to protect against potential frost.
11am: Fall Vegetables, Flowers & Herbs-Probably our most popular class! Learn what it takes to grow your own.
Both classes are taught by Gary Petterson with over 35 years of experience in nursery & landscape.

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"This has been the most informative class we have attended in AZ."
--Lyn M. from Mesa

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
No job is too large or too small!
Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers, Pavers, Water features, Arid & Tropical Plants, BBQs, Fireplaces, Hardscaping, Unique Plant Selection, Financing available, Fully licensed & bonded
& Much More...
Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website: http://www.gardenersedenaz/

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-36" box. Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds. Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains,Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation, Greenworld Mulch, Top-It & B-2 soil mix, Lodgepoles

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Remember that every Wednesday is Senior's Day!
Seniors 55 & older receive a 10% discount on their regularly priced purchases.
Ask about our Discount card. When you purchase $25.00 or more, you'll receive a stamp on your card. After 5 stamps, you'll receive a 15% discount on your regularly priced purchase.
Not valid with: other discounts or coupons, sale items, sod, or special orders.
Limited to stock on hand.

Gardening Tips:
Seeing something weird on your Queen Palm? This picture was sent in for analysis. The little white growths seen here are actually berries. The best thing to do is cut off the bloom stalk and the husk that is around it as well as the berries that turn into seed and make a mess that drops.

Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Buy local & save the freight!

A species of flowering plant indigenous to Mexico and Guatemala. The name "poinsettia" is after Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first United States Minister to Mexico, who introduced the plant into the US in 1828. In Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs, the plant is called Cuetlaxochitl meaning "skin flower." The Aztecs used the plant to produce red dye and as an antipyretic medication. Today it is known in Mexico and Guatemala as "Noche Buena" or Christmas' Eve. In Spain its is known as "Flor de Pascua" or Easter Flower in English. In both Chile and Peru, the plant became known as "Crown of the Andes". The plants' association with Christmas began in 16th century Mexico, where legend tells of a young girl who was too poor to provide a gift for the celebration of Jesus' birthday. The tale goes that the child was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar. Crimson "blossoms" sprouted from the weeds and became beautiful poinsettias. From the 17th century, Franciscan friars in Mexico included the plants in their Christmas celebrations. Here I've chosen to highlight 3 of the varieties that we're growing for the Festival.
Freedom Red, Freedom White, Winter Rose
In next week's email, I'll focus on some of the other varieties.

$2.50/doz. Home grown at the Treadway Family Farm by Americana, Barred Rock & Rhode Island Red Hens.
Duck & Turkey Eggs also available!$4.50/doz.

*****Before ***************************After*****

Let Gardener's Eden do a quick update or clean up before the holidays. Call 602-437-2233 or email to for your FREE estimate!! Licensed & bonded. Better Business Bureau A+ rated. We can help you solve your landscape problems!

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated