Gardener's World Front Entry

Gardener's World Front Entry

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October Gardener's Calendar

Click on October Gardener's Calendar to make it larger and print

And And the winners are...

Dona Piatek of Buckeye won the drawing for free plants & Beverly Mather of Phoenix won the drawing for a free landscape design at the Maricopa Home & Garden Show on Sept. 25-27.

Congratulations from Gardener's World!

Gardener's Eden Landscaping and Gardener's World built a display at the Maricopa Home & Landscape Show last weekend at the AZ State Fairgrounds. Included in the display was the Solara patio cover made of aluminum that reflects the ultraviolet light and requires no maintenance. The open close feature allows you to control the sun and rain and use your patio all year. The Solara can be freestanding as in the photo or attached to your home. Columns can be stucco, stone or aluminum or whatever matches your home.
We also do all pavers, artificial grass, lights (including LED low voltage), water features, concrete or any landscape feature you need. Gardener's World grows the plants so you can have plants that really grow here. Ray Buchelt, Holly Banghart, Sharon & Gary Petterson were there to greet and answer questions. Hal Torman, national sales manager shows how easy it is to open and close or use the remote control. Call 602-437-2233 for your free estimate on any landscape work you need. No job too large or too small!

See bottom for Home Show Plant Price Specials!!

In This Issue
October Gardening Calendar
Lysiloma thornberi
Lonicera japonica

Free Classes and Events
Click on link for complete schedule.
Next class:
Oct. 10
10am: Fall Herbs, Vegetables & Flowers
11am: Iris Planting & Care
10am-2pm: Sun Country Iris Society Rhizome Sale
Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ.
Click on the address link below to get directions.
3401 E. Baseline Rd.

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
No job is too LARGE or too small!

Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers. Pavers, Water features Arid & Tropical Plants,BBQs,Fireplaces,Hardscaping,Unique Plant Selection. Financing available. Fully licensed & bonded & Much More...Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website:

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-24" box. Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seedsWide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains, Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation. Greenworld Mulch & B-2 soil mix. Lodgepoles

Quick Links

Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Gardening Tips:
Don't over water! You should not be watering everyday. As the temperatures decrease, watering should as well. Slow & deep watering is always the best way with an automated irrigation system or flood. To know how often you should be watering your landscape, consult our watering guide found under 'Information' on our website:

*Also, if planting veggie, flower or rye seed, you should wait until around Oct. 10th or when temperatures are going to stay under 100 degrees.

Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Plant a butterfly garden to attract these pollinators to your area.

Feature Tree: Fern of the Desert (Lysiloma thornberi)

Native to the foothills of Arizona's Rincon Mountains, this is a small tree (15-20' high & wide) that is low water use. It's a good garden to desert transition plant. It is deciduous in winter, but blooms cream colored puffball type flowers in late spring. Its feathery foliage gives it a delicate look. Should be deep watered & have good drainage. Available in 15 G & 24" box.

Feature Vine: Japanese Honeysuckle(Lonicera japonica)
e flowers are double-tongued, opening white and fading to yellow, and sweetly scented. The fruit is a globose dark blue berry 1/4-1/2" in diameter containing numerous seeds. It doesn't do very well in full sun in Phoenix, but can be adapted. Does best in morning sun & afternoon shade.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
602-437-2233 (Gardener's Eden Landscaping)
Fax: 602-437-8660

A+ rated

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"I came to class wanting to learn how to salvage the existing landscape at my home. I learned exactly what I needed!"
--Vivian P. Mesa

Don't forget to get your Bonus Bucks!!

Don't know about Bonus Bucks? Bonus Dollars are distributed April 1st to May 31st and September 1st through October 31st. Earn Bonus Dollars totaling 10% of your total purchase (before tax). Example: A $100 purchase earns 10 Bonus Dollars.
Bonus Dollars are redeemable August 1st through August 31st and January 1st through 31st to be used for up to 50% of your purchases in August and January. Example: If you have 10 Bonus Dollars you may use all 10 Bonus Dollars on a purchase of $20 or more (before tax). Bonus Dollars are not valid with other discounts or coupons. Bonus Dollars are not valid on sale items, sod, or special orders. Sales Limited to Stock on Hand. Not redeemable for cash.

Home Show Plant Specials

1 gal. for $4.00 includes only:
Artemisia, Asparagus meyeri, Carissa 'Boxwood Beauty' (reg. & variegated), Duranta repens, Lantana (all colors), Pennisetum setceum cupreum, Podranea ricasoleana, Portulacaria afra (reg. & variegated), Setcreasia pallida, Tecoma x alata orange, & zephyrantyhes (all colors).

5 gal. for $10.00 includes only:
Artemisia, Asparagus meyeri & sprengeri, Carissa 'Boxwood Beauty' (reg. & varieg.), Dietes bicolor, Duranta repens, Lantana (all colors), Penisetum setaceum cupreum, Plumbago auriculata (blue) & P. scandens (white), Ruellia brittoniana, Ruellia 'Katy', Russellia equisetiformis, Tecoma x alata orange, Tecoma stans yellow, Tecomaria capensis & Zephyranthes (all colors).

15 gal. for $ 40.00 includes only:
Tecoma x alata orange, Tecoma stans yellow & Podranea ricasoleana24" box for $99.00 includes only:Ficus nitida & Dalbergia sissoo

Offer Expires: October 13, 2009

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Maricopa County Home & Landscape Show

Maricopa County Home & Landscape Show @ Arizona State Fairgrounds

Look for Gardener's Eden Landscaping with Solara Open/Close Patio Covers & Gardener's World Nursery with plants in booth 19 on the Avenue of Flags September 25-27, 2009 Sat. 10-7 & Sun. 10-5
Click on the link to print out free ticket!
Maricopa County Home Show Free Ticket

In This Issue

Lavander Star Flower
Cat Claw Vine

Free Classes and Events
Next class:
9am: Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design
10am: Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners

Click on link for complete schedule.

Sun Country Iris Society

Rhizome Sale
Oct. 10 9am-2pm @ Gardener's World!
Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link below to get directions.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
No job is too large or too small! Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers, PaversWater features, Arid & Tropical Plants, BBQs, Fireplaces, Hardscaping, Unique Plant Selection, Financing available Fully licensed & bonded
& Much More...Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website:

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-24" box. Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds. Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains, Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation. Greenworld Mulch & B-2 soil mix Lodgepoles

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Gardening Tips:
It's best to wait until temps are consistently under 100 degrees to plant seeds (rye or veggies). We'll be having a class on Oct. 10 on fall herb & veggie gardening-be sure to attend! Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Fall is on its way! If you haven't already done so, start a compost pile. It's easy & your garden will love it. We have bottomless planter boxes that would be ideal if you don't have a lot of space to devote to such. Also, one of the women who works here bought one to use as a cover up for an old tree stump & intends to plant in it! Great idea!! They were $50., now only $39.98.

Feature Tree: Chitalpa (Chitalpa tashketensis)

This tree is a cross between Catalpa bignonioides & Chilopsis linearis. It starts flowering in late spring and
flowers until late fall. Grows to a max. of 25-30' high & wide--growing several feet a year. It is deciduous& will go dormant in the winter. Available in 24" Box size.

Feature Plant: Lavender Star Flower (Grewia caffra)

Originating in Africa, it's a large shrub/small tree up to 10' in height if planted in the ground. Also very good as a potted plant and can be trained as a bonsai specimen. The flowers have lavender petals with yellow stamens in the center. Flowers appear most of the year. The plant will grow well in full to partial sun. It requires average water an
d fertilizer. Even though it can handle a light frost, it will be better to keep it above freezing. It's on our sale!

Feature Plant: Cat Claw Vine (Macfadyena unguis-cati)

Originating in Central America, it's an extremely fast grower that can tolerate almost any environment. It's common name comes from the claw-like appendages with which it climbs to 25' or more. It is considered invasive in many places, but it's one of the few vines that will grow on a west facing wall & survive. It will bloom large yellow flowers briefly in early summer, that will give way to 12-18" long seed pods. Available in 1 & 5 G.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
602-437-2233 (Gardener's Eden Landscaping)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"Relocating here from the NW, we had no idea which plants would survive in this climate. We also learned that our plants had to be rabbit proof! Gary, working within our constraints, was most accomodating, and with his horticultural knowledge provided us with a selection of plants of varied textures and hues, rabbit & climate proof!"
--Carole & Dean J. Mesa

Don't forget to get your Bonus Dollars!!
If we don't offer them to you, ask us!!
What are Bonus Dollars? They're distributed April 1st - May 31st & September 1st - October 31st & you can earn Bonus Dollars totaling 10% of your total purchase (before tax). Example: A $100 purchase earns 10 Bonus Dollars.
They're redeemable August 1st - August 31st & January 1st - 31st to be used for up to 50% of your purchases in August and January. Example: If you have 10 Bonus Dollars you may use all 10 Bonus Dollars on a purchase of $20 or more (before tax). Bonus Dollars are not valid with:other discounts, coupons, sale items, sod, or special orders.Sales Limited to Stock on Hand. Not redeemable for cash.

30% off Lavender Starflower, Duranta & Canna Lily 1 & 5 gallon sizesNo need to print this coupon, just tell the salesperson you saw our email!
Cannot be combined with other discounts.Limited to stock on hand.

Offer Expires: 9/30/09

Maricopa County Home Show Free Ticket

Friday, September 18, 2009

See the ad @ the bottom for 30% off Select Plant Sale!
Sale ends Sept. 23, 2009


Gardener's Eden Landscaping displayed the Solara open close aluminum patio cover as well as plants and artificial turf at the Az Home & Building Expo last weekend at the Phoenix Convention Center. They were in the 8 booth display with CSNG Construction Specialty network Group that won the judges award for their outstanding display featuring indoor and outdoor building materials and ideas.

Pictured are some of the members of the CSNG construction group that markets their fine products and services. Others in the group include: Brilliantgreen Energy, Canyon State Vinyl, Copper Ridge Construction, Decorative Trim, Great Western Building Materials, Havenwood Development, Monterrey Tile Company, Resi Residential Electric Solutions Inc, Staco Architectural Roof Tile, The Door Forge, Volterra Architectural Products LLC and the Wright Connection Plumbing LLC. Email to for more information on the CSNG Group.

In This Issue
Italian & Arizona Cypress
Bower Vine

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-24" box. Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic)Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation Greenworld Mulch & B-2 soil mix Lodgepoles

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers PaversWater features Arid & Tropical Plants BBQs Fireplaces Hardscaping Unique Plant Selection Financing available Fully licensed & bonded & Much More...Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website: http://www.gardenersedenaz/

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

Next class:
Sept. 19
9am: Water Features & Aquatic Gardens
10am: Solving Phoenix Soil & Water Problems
9am: Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design
10am: Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners
Call 602-437-0700 or click to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held @
3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link to get directions.

Click on link for complete schedule.

Gardening Tips:
September is one of the 3 times per year to apply First Step Soil Acidifier, available only at Gardener's World. One of our reminder times is on Labor Day, but it's not too late. If you haven't done it, go ahead-the sooner, the better! For more information about this product, go on our website & look at the First Step Info sheet.Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Provide a pesticide-free sanctuary for our pollinator pals, such as butterflies and bees, by growing a diverse variety of native &/or acclimatized flowering plants (such as sage, lantana, globe mallow & many others) they're particularly drawn to. (Gardens with 10 or more species of attractive plants have been found to entice the most bees.) If you haven't already heard, we're in the throes of a major bee-loss epidemic, which is causing beekeepers in North America and Europe much hand-wringing. Because pollinators affect 35% of the world's crop production-and increase the output of 87% of the leading food crops worldwide-extending a little hometown hospitality could go a long way.

Feature Tree: Italian & Arizona Cypress

(Cupressus sempervirens & arizonica)The Italian cypress is a medium-sized evergreen tree to 40-60' tall, with a 10' spread. It is very long-lived, with some trees reported to be over 1,000 years old. It is drought & poor soil tolerant. Native to the
eastern Mediterranean region. According to Ovid, the tree was named after Kyparissos, who after accidentally killing Apollo's beloved stag, became so remorseful that he besought the gods to punish him with everlasting gloom. In compliance they transformed him into a cypress tree. The Arizona cypress is a native southwestern cypress that reaches 30-40' high & 15-20' wide. It has pale gray-green to blue-green foliage & is also drought & poor soil tolerant. Arizona cypress available in 15G & 24BX. Italian cypress available in 5G.

Feature Plant: Bower Vine (Pandorea jasminoides)
Originating in Australia & New Zealand , it can grow up to 20' if trellised, but can root from nodes which touch the ground. It grows best in partial sun. It blooms from April-October in Phoenix. It requires moderate water. Available in 1 & 5G sizes.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
602-437-2233 (Gardener's Eden Landscaping)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"It was extremely helpful in getting my first garden planted. I would not have been able to do it without the class."
--Leala D. Phoenix

Don't forget to get your Bonus Bucks!!
Don't know about Bonus Bucks? Bonus Dollars are distributed April 1st to May 31st and September 1st through October 31st.Earn Bonus Dollars totaling 10% of your total purchase (before tax). Example: A $100 purchase earns 10 Bonus Dollars.
Bonus Dollars are redeemable August 1st through August 31st and January 1st through 31st to be used for up to 50% of your purchases in August and January. Example: If you have 10 Bonus Dollars you may use all 10 Bonus Dollars on a purchase of $20 or more (before tax). Bonus Dollars are not valid with other discounts or coupons.Bonus Dollars are not valid on sale items, sod, or special orders. Sales Limited to Stock on Hand. Not redeemable for cash.

30% off Oleander, Duranta & Canna Lily
1 & 5 gallon sizes.
Just tell the salesperson you saw our blog!
Cannot be combined with other discounts.
Limited to stock on hand.

Offer Expires: 9/23/09

Thursday, September 10, 2009

See the ad at the bottom for our B-2 Potting Mix Sale!
Sale ends Sept. 16, 2009

Bring in your 2# First Step jar & receive
$.50 discount on a refill!!

Come by and see our Solara Patio Cover Display at the AZ Home & Building Expo at Phoenix Convention Center at the Construction Specialty Network Group
Booth 839-944
Sept. 12-13, 2009
Free tickets!

Fresh veggies are still available: Onions, okra, Armenian burpless cucumbers & red chilis (call for availability).

In This Issue
Pinus roxburgii
Nerium oleander
Podranea ricasoliana

Product Availability

Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-24" box. Some hard-to-find varieties.

Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available.

Grass, vegetable & flower seeds

Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier.


Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic)

Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation

Greenworld Mulch & B-2 soil mix


ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145

Design Build Makeover Specialists

Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation.
Landscape systems & tree trimming.
Solara adjustable patio covers
Water features
Arid & Tropical Plants
Unique Plant Selection
Financing available
Fully licensed & bonded

& Much More...

Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website: http://www.gardenersedenaz/

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

AZ Home & Building Expo at Phoenix Convention Center
Sept. 12-13

Next class:

Sept. 19

9am: Water Features & Aquatic Gardens

10am: Solving Phoenix Soil & Water Problems


9am: Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design

10am: Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners

Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held at
3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link to get directions.

Click on link for complete schedule.

Gardening Tips:
September is First Step time--usually on Labor Day, but it's not too late. If you haven't done it, go ahead!

Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Reduce your carbon footprint by planting native plants that will use less water, support indigenous pollinators & blend with our semiarid desert environment.

Feature Tree: Chir Pine (Pinus roxburghii)
Named after the noted Scottish botanist William Roxburgh, it's native to the Himalayas at around the 7000' elevation. It's range extends from northern Pakistan across northern India and Nepal to Bhutan. It's closely related to the Canary Island pine (Pinus canariensis). It is heat & drought tolerant & can reach 60-100' tall. Available in 15G & 24" box.

Feature Plant: Oleander (Nerium oleander)
It is native to a broad area from Morocco and Portugal eastward through the Mediterranean region and southern Asia to Yunnan in southern parts of China. It typically occurs around dry stream beds. It grows to a maximum height of 12' tall for the standard variety & 4-5' tall for the dwarf variety. Oleander grows well in warm subtropical regions, where it is extensively used as an ornamental plant in landscapes, parks, and along roadsides. It is drought tolerant and will tolerate occasional light frost. All parts of the plant are toxic & should not be consumed. Available in 1, 5, 15G & 24" box sizes.

Feature Plant: Pink Trumpet Vine (Podranea ricasoliana)
Originating in South Africa (Eastern Cape coast), it can grow up to 20' if trellised. It can grow in full sun but care should be taken to avoid reflected light & heat. It requires little to moderate water. Podranea is an anagram for the closely related genus Pandorea. Available in 1 & 5G sizes.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
602-437-2233 (Gardener's Eden Landscaping)
Fax: 602-437-8660

A+ rated

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"Gary knows what he's talking about. It's completely worth it because you usually have to pay someone else to train you.
He knows more than everyone."
--Samantha Y. Phoenix

$$$$$Don't forget to get your Bonus Bucks!!$$$$$

Don't know about Bonus Bucks?
Bonus Dollars are distributed April 1st to May 31st and September 1st through October 31st.
Earn Bonus Dollars totaling 10% of your total purchase (before tax). Example: A $100 purchase earns 10 Bonus Dollars.

Bonus Dollars are redeemable August 1st through August 31st and January 1st through 31st to be used for up to 50% of your purchases in August and January. Example: If you have 10 Bonus Dollars you may use all 10 Bonus Dollars on a purchase of $20 or more (before tax).

Bonus Dollars are not valid with other discounts or coupons.
Bonus Dollars are not valid on sale items, sod, or special orders.
Sales Limited to Stock on Hand. Not redeemable for cash.

Greenworld Bagged B-2
Buy 1, 1.5 cu. ft. bag for $3.98
Get 1 FREE!!
No need to print this coupon, just tell the salesperson you saw our blog!

Cannot be combined with other discounts.
Limited to stock on hand.

Offer Expires: 9/16/09

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Gardening Tips for September

See the ad at the bottom for our Mulch Sale!

We will be closed on Monday Sept. 7th for Labor Day.

Come by & see us at the AZ Home & Building Expo at the Phoenix Convention Center Sept. 12-13, 2009. Free tickets!

Fresh veggies are still available:
Onions, okra, Armenian burpless cucumbers & red chilis (call for availability).

In This Issue
Brachychiton populneus
Lantana spp.
Dietes bicolor

Product Availability
Arizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-24" box. Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds, Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains, Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation. Greenworld Mulch & B-2 soil mix, Lodgepoles

ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers. Pavers, Water features Arid & Tropical Plants, BBQs, Fireplaces, Hardscaping, Unique Plant Selection, Financing available, Fully licensed & bonded
& Much More...Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website: http://www.gardenersedenaz/

Quick Links
Gardener's World
Gardener's Eden
Gary's Blog

AZ Home & Building Expo at Phoenix Convention Center
Sept. 12-13
We will have free tickets!
Right click on ticket to print

Next class:
Sept. 19
9am: Water Features & Aquatic Gardens
10am: Solving Phoenix Soil & Water Problems

9am: Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design
10am: Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners

Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes & sign up for our email list. Held at 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link to get directions.

Click on link for complete schedule.

Gardening Tips:
September Gardening Calendar. Check Water Management Tips for our watering guide! Note: all watering recommendations are for drip & TTape irrigation systems at a rate of 1 gallon/hour.

Lawns & Grasses:
Water every 3 days for 10-20 minutes (on sprinkler system).
Apply First Step soil acidifier.
Don't spread winter rye seed until the daytime temperatures are below 90°-95° & nighttime temperatures are below 60°.

Fertilize grape vines. Acidify fruit & citrus trees with First Step.

Vegetables & Herbs:
Plant arugula, beets, broccoli, Brussels' sprouts, cabbage, carrots, collards, lettace, mixed greens, onions, peas & spinach.
Set out transplants of tomatoes & peppers.
Plant anise, cilantro, dill, fennel, lavender, rosemary, sage, thyme & parsley. Acidify with First Step Soil Acidifier & use 6-20-20 pre-plant fertilizer.
Add mulch to beds.
Water vegetables & herbs twice a week for 2-3 hours (on drip system).

Plant annuals for fall color, e.g. dianthus, geranium, lobelia, petunia, snapdragon, alyssum & calendula.
Mulch flowerbeds well & add a 6-20-20 pre-plant fertilizer. Acidify with First Step Soil Acidifier
Water to a depth of 6-8".

Plant lantana, gazania, bougainvillia, ice plants, etc.
Divide perennials such as iris, daylily & fortnight lily.
Acidify with First Step & fertilize with 14-14-14 slow release fertilizer.

Continue to deadhead spent blooms.
Acidify with First Step & fertilize with Magnum Grow fertilizer.

Shrubs & Trees:
Water shrubs weekly to a depth of 2 feet.
Acidify with First Step & lightly fertilize with 18-5-10 slow-release fertilizer.

Spray unwanted grasses with Com-Pleet herbicide. Control nutgrass with Sedgehammer. Keep weeds continuously under control with Concern, Amaze or Weedstopper.

Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!

Green Tip:
Want to get a work out while cutting the grass? Reel lawn mowers are an eco-friendly alternative to gas-powered rotary models and a true boon to energy conservation. Reel lawn mowers are muscle-powered, so there's no engine involved. Using them not only promotes energy conservation but also clean air.

Feature Tree: Kurrajong Bottle Tree (Brachychiton populneus)
Indigenous to Australia, it can reach up to 40' x 30'. It takes little water once established. It can be sensitive to Texas Root Rot. Bell shaped cream flowers, spotted on the inside, are produced in masses in the late spring. They are followed by brown pods containing seeds that are covered with stiff hairs that penetrate the skin like glochids (the prickly pear's small spines). They should be handled with caution. Available in 15G & 24" BX.

Feature Plant: Lantana(Lantana spp.)
A genus of about 150 species of perennial flowering plants, native to tropical regions of the Americas, Africa and existing as an imported plant in numerous areas. The aromatic flower clusters (called umbels) are a mix of red, orange, yellow, or blue and white florets. Other colors exist as new varieties are being selected. The flowers typically change color as they mature, resulting in inflorescences that are two or three colored. The shrub forms are L. camara, whereas the trailing varieties are L. montevidensis. They are low water use & hardy, but are frost sensitive & should be covered with Frost Blanket in winter. Available in 1 & 5G. On sale-30% off regular retail!!

Feature Plant: Fortnight Lily (Dietes bicolor)

A clump-forming rhizomatous perennial with long sword-like pale-green leaves, growing from multiple fans at the base of the clump. This species belongs to the Iris family. It can form large clumps if left undisturbed for years. This species is common in horticulture in its native South Africa. The blooms are yellow with three dark purple spots, each surrounded by an orange outline, and are followed by a capsule that may bend the flower stalks to the ground. Ripe seeds (dark brown in color) are dispersed when the capsule dries and splits. It's a moderate water user & can grow in full sun. Available in 1 & 5G.

3401 E. Baseline Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
602-437-2233 (Gardener's Eden Landscaping)
Fax: 602-437-8660

A+ rated

Testimonial on our client service & free classes:
"I bought Bayer Grub Control on the advice of a Gardener's World team member. When my father saw results after 3 days, he sent me back to buy more for the backyard"
--Jasmine C. Phoenix

Don't forget to get your Bonus Bucks!!

Don't know about Bonus Bucks? Bonus Dollars are distributed April 1st to May 31st and September 1st through October 31st. Earn Bonus Dollars totaling 10% of your total purchase (before tax). Example: A $100 purchase earns 10 Bonus Dollars.
Bonus Dollars are redeemable August 1st through August 31st and January 1st through 31st to be used for up to 50% of your purchases in August and January. Example: If you have 10 Bonus Dollars you may use all 10 Bonus Dollars on a purchase of $20 or more (before tax). Bonus Dollars are not valid with other discounts or coupons. Bonus Dollars are not valid on sale items, sod, or special orders. Sales Limited to Stock on Hand. Not redeemable for cash.

Greenworld Bagged Mulch Buy 1, 2.0 cu. ft. bag for $3.68
Get 1 FREE!! Just tell the salesperson you saw our blog!

Cannot be combined with other discounts. Limited to stock on hand.

Offer Expires: 9/9/09