Poinsettia Festival is Almost Here!!
(Click on the link to see the poinsettias in our greenhouse from Fox 10 news)
Poinsettias are available for purchase from our retail store!!
Have a fund raising project?
Poinsettias are great for raising money for schools, clubs, organizations. Special prices are available.
Call or email:
We're still accepting applications for craft vendors.
Call or email:
vendor@gardenpro.net****************************************************************Photographer Pati Pakulis will be available, by appointment only, to take holiday pictures among the poinsettias. Click on the link below to contact Pati
http://rs6.net/tn.jspet=1102845499159&s=161&e=001an2wyAn8NmJWGoiOkbCrFzbwKQvsYZrO2WEIe5BO5cGZlFFxMjvRl7VKjT9EWpFscwHlt2AqYRdRYh94LYxg8gJKsG8UpYrv96d8VmXO70zswNHKaMoqSw== ****************************************************************
Photo Workshops & Photo ContestMarilou Peavley Photography classes at Gardener's World on:
December 4 & 5 9AM-11AM
December 6 3PM-5PM
December 11 & 12 9AM-11AM
December 13 3PM-5PM
Bring your own camera. Maximum of 10 people per class. Sign up now!Fee: $30.00. Cash or Check payable to Marilou Peavley. Can be paid at Gardener's World.
Photo Contest: For photography work done at Gardener's World Nursery. Photos may be plants, people or both. All entries must be submitted by 5PM on Monday, December 21, 2009 to mariloupeavley@cox.net. No more than 3 photos per entrant. No bigger than 300 dpi. Open Gardener's World email by Dec. 24 for winning photos that will be displayed at Gardener's World Nursery, and used for publicity purposes.
Prizes: Gift Certificates from Gardener's World Nursery:First Place: $25.00 Second Place: $15.00Third Place: $10.00 Marilou Peavley can be contacted at 480-203-7457 or email
mariloupeavley@cox.netMarilou Peavley has been photographing for over 20 years. She is well known for her Landscapes and Nature Photography. She has shown her work in several galleries around the State of AZ. She was named Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007 & 2009 by Cambridge WHO'S WHO Representing the Photography Industry. She is the only person that has received the award twice in the history of the company. In 2006, she was awarded the Metropolitan WHO'S WHO Registry for the Photography Industry. In 2009, she was awarded an Arizona Highways plaque for her landscape photo entry. She has also has received numerous ribbons for her photography work at the AZ State Fair. ***************************************************************
Our fall bedding plants are blooming & gorgeous!! Our weather is perfect this time of year for working outside, so get your yard ready for those holiday visitors with fantastic colors, textures & scents!In This Issue
Holidays: Plant Care & Spruce Up
Free Classes & Events
Call 602-437-0700 to reserve your spot for the free classes. Held @ 3401 E. Baseline Rd. Phoenix, AZ. Click on the address link below to get directions.
Next class: Nov. 28 Last class of the year!
No classes in Dec.
10am: Gardener's Eden Concepts of Landscape Design- A great class for the new homeowner or anyone who wants to improve their landscape.
11am: Gardener's Eden Landscape Maintenance Practices for Homeowners-A good beginner's class or a great refresher for the experienced gardener.
Both classes are taught by Gary Petterson with over 40 years of experience in nursery & landscape.
Testimonial on our client service & free classes: "I came to class wanting to learn how to salvage the existing landscaping at my home. I learned exactly what I needed." --Vivian P. from Mesa
ROC: K21-140831 K03-248145
No job is too large or too small!
Design Build Makeover Specialists
Design, install & maintenance, including irrigation. Landscape systems & tree trimming. Solara adjustable patio covers, Pavers, Water features, Arid & Tropical Plants, BBQs, Fireplaces, Hardscaping, Unique Plant Selection, Financing available, Fully licensed & bonded & Much More...
Call 602-437-2233 or visit our website:
www.gardenersedenazProduct AvailabilityArizona grown & climate acclimated plants: 1gal.-36" box.
Some hard-to-find varieties. Poinsettias-fundraiser prices available. Grass, vegetable & flower seeds. Wide variety of fertilizers & soil amendments such as Great Big Plants & 1st Step Soil Acidifier. Fountains, Herbicides, fungicides & insecticides (organic & inorganic). Soil testing with a correct prescription ($49.50); horticultural consultation. Greenworld Mulch, Top-It & B-2 soil mix, Lodgepoles
Quick Links
Gardener's WorldGardener's EdenGary's BlogRemember that every Wednesday is Senior's Day! Seniors 55 & older receive a 10% discount on their regularly priced purchases.
Ask about our Discount card. When you purchase $25.00 or more, you'll receive a stamp on your card. After 5 stamps, you'll receive a 15% discount on your regularly priced purchase.
Not valid with: other discounts or coupons, sale items, sod, or special orders.
Limited to stock on hand.
Gardening Tips:Cooler weather is upon us at last! Get prepared for it by getting your Frost Blanket now. Don't get caught with your leaves hanging out in the frost!
Note: Before attempting to diagnose or treat any problem, be sure to either bring in a sample of the plant (or email us a photo) or a soil sample for verification with our Garden Pros. Also, please remember that we can't see it over the phone!
Green Tip:Buying recyclable & recycled products is the key to making recycling work. Be conscious of your purchases. Buy only what you need & reuse items whenever possible.
Feature Plant
Poinsettia(Euphorbia pulcherrima)
Poinsettia Growing InstructionsCommercially grown poinsettias are pampered, fed & kept warm in greenhouses to achieve coloring for Christmas. It's not practical to plant them outdoors, as they are susceptible to white flies & frost. However, the determined gardener who's willing to give extra care , may grow them outdoors, but they don't color naturally until spring. Plant the poinsettia in a place where it's protected from frost or direct afternoon sun. The best chances for success is to keep it in a pot out of direct sunlight. The potted poinsettia can be placed outdoors when temperatures are above 40 degrees F for 6-8 hours daily & returned indoors at night to temperatures of 60-70 degrees F. When the bracts age & become muddy green, cut it back to 8" to be grown as a foliage plant.
Arizona Grown PoinsettiasPolly Pink
Shimmer Surprise
Holidays: Plant Care & Spruce Up
The holiday season brings a flurry of preparatory activity in the home to give it that little pizzazz for this special time of year: clutter gets cleaned up, the holiday decorations are set out, centerpieces and tablecloths are changed, garland swags and wreaths are hung. There's a lot that can be done in your garden and landscape too to give it that extra flare: flowerbeds can be planted or dead headed and mulched, weeds can pulled or sprayed, entry foyers are cleaned and decorated, and lights are put up. Gardener's World has the products to help and fresh cut Christmas trees as well as poinsettias grown at our farm. You can even visit the greenhouse during our poinsettia festival Dec 4 - 6 and 11-13. COLOR YOUR ENTRY WITH FLOWERSUse the impact that flowers make at your entry or on your patio or outdoor tables. Add flower-filled pots and hanging containers to your patio and front sidewalk. Keep your flower gardens and containers blooming heavily by fertilizing with a balanced fertilizer like Gardener's World's own Flower Power 14-14-14 that feeds slow release about 80 days. A number of winter annuals, particularly petunias, are "heavy feeders" meaning they need to be fertilized regularly, about once every two months. With weather like ours, we can plant all winter long and have beautiful flowers, including poinsettias, throughout the holidays! If you have already planted winter flowers, pinch off spent flowers. This cleans out any dead looking flower heads (a.k.a. dead heading) and gives the flowers a push to bloom more. Also, a layer of new mulch on top of the soil will give your flowerbeds that extra finishing touch of class, and give an added layer of winter protection to the root zone.DECORATE WITH POINSETTIASConsider adding poinsettias to planters or buy the color bowls at Gardener's World already planted with alyssum, pansies, etc. There are literally dozens of poinsettia colors, sizes, and varieties to choose from beginning as early as Thanksgiving weekend. Choosing a fresh poinsettia is as simple as looking at the flower in the center of the colored bracts. "Bracts" is the technical name for the brightly colored leaves of the poinsettia. The flower is actually that tiny yellow cluster at the top of the plant. If the flowers are still closed, the poinsettia is slightly underdeveloped. When about half of the flowers are open the plan is well developed and still extremely fresh and will look great well past the holiday season. Put poinsettias in a brightly lit room (or patio) with enough natural light to read and away from drafts. If you are putting them outside, bring them in on freezing nights and during windy days. Feel the soil before watering, if it is dry water through (usually about once a week).Remember, it has been proven that poinsettias are not poisonous. Drop that old wives tale! WINTER WATERING Be sure to decrease water in cool weather. Check our website www.gardenpro.net under 'Information' for specific information. YARD SPRUCE UP Your yard may need some pre-holiday attention. Your winter lawn may need fertilization with a slow release lawn food blend. Be smart this year and use pre-emergent instead of the backbreaking weeding. I like Amaze or Concern for weed prevention (pre-emergent). Sprinkle it on the area you want protected and water it in. The product creates a 1 to 2 inch deep barrier in the soil that prevents seeds from sprouting. As long as the soil isn't disturbed, the area will remain relatively weed free for up to 6-8 months. Then just reapply to keep the protection in place. The product is ideal for graveled areas in front yard desert-scapes, perennial beds that you don't want to re-seed, etc. Post emergent herbicide like Remuda works great to kill weeds.FROST PROTECTIONFrost prevention will also keep you holiday garden looking its best. When temperatures threaten frost, one of the best methods is the use of Frost Blankets. These specialty landscaping blankets are made from a geo-textile fabric that allows air to move in and out and lets in ultraviolet light. On a night when the dew settles and freezes, the fabric acts as an insulator blanket, adding five to eight degrees of warmth. Burlap and bed sheets can't do this. Another frost prevention method is the use of an organic polymer spray called Frost Protec. Spray on plants every three weeks to give up to ten degrees of protection. Both are available at the nursery.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS. With a little prevention, maintenance and creative decorating with poinsettias and flowers your yard and patio will be in high style and perfect condition to receive family and friends.
Have a beautiful and safe holiday season.
3401 E. Baseline Rd.Phoenix, AZ 85042
602-437-0700 (Gardener's World)
Fax: 602-437-8660
A+ rated